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Houston Female Leaders on Success and Motivation

Published Mar 03, 2022 by A.J. Mistretta

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Determination. Mentorship. Strength. These and many other characteristics drive female leaders to reach the upper echelons of industry. Here in Houston, women sit atop the org charts of some of the region’s largest companies and nonprofits, inspiring a new generation of young people to greater achievement. 

As the Partnership prepares to celebrate International Women’s Day with its annual Rise to the Top event on March 10, we spoke with several female leaders about what inspires their hard work, what it means to champion others, and what building success looks like in Houston. 

Creating Opportunity for Others 

As Senior Vice President of Business Development and Community Affairs at Comerica Bank, Pam Lovett recognizes she’s in an industry that has long provided a solid career path for talented and capable women. “Banking is a relationship business, and the industry continues to identify, attract, support and promote talented females,” she said. 

Throughout her career in Houston, Lovett said she’s been fortunate to connect with accomplished women leaders willing to share lessons learned, meaningful connections and resources. Having women tap her for volunteer leadership positions through the years has also enriched her life and led to new opportunities. 

“I am a continuous learner and always seek to add value to any role I accept,” Lovett said. “Providing opportunities for others to learn, grow and thrive motivates me.” 

To help ensure the success of the next generation, women leaders “need to stay approachable and remain willing to take an interest in helping develop and advance talented, motivated young professionals,” Lovett said. 

Rani Puranik, CFO of Worldwide Oilfield Machine, said she was first inspired by her mother who taught her “the importance of having a dream, working hard, making it a reality and making life better for the next person.” Puranik said her mother’s dream was to educate the underserved children of India—one she’s realized through Vision International, a successful K-12 school in Pune, India. 

Puranik said she strives to work with enthusiasm and passion, placing significant value on her teams. That’s what drives her as a leader. “Working closely with them, investing time, learning about their priorities, strengths and needs, we can better work together towards success,” she said. “I recognize and genuinely appreciate all of the work they put in and the value it brings.” 

Leveraging Strengths 

When it comes to strategy, Puranik said she likes to think ahead to the big vision of success and then work backwards to develop a plan to get there. But having the plan is just step one. “Articulating and sharing the vision passionately and clearly with my team is imperative,” she said. “Also listening to their visions is equally important, so that we move forward, toward our common goal of success, together.” 

Skills women often excel in, such as active listening, are sometimes interpreted as weaknesses by society at-large. “Soft is looked at as being meek or not being equal. Quiet is looked on as a lack of confidence or not being smart,” Puranik said. In reality, “these are attributes that serve us well in the workforce and allow us to approach situations and conflict with a unique perspective. Quiet allows us to really listen.” 

As for growing a career in Houston, Lovett said she appreciates the city’s welcoming and collaborative approach to developing talent. “Houstonians largely believe that there is more than enough opportunity for talented, motivated, hard-working individuals to succeed,” she said. “Rather than viewing the world as having a limited number of slices of pie, Houstonians embrace making more pie.”

Being a member of the Greater Houston Partnership gives leaders like Lovett an opportunity to come together with like-minded professionals and “collaboratively work to create the brightest future for our broad community,” she said. “Competitive agendas are put aside in GHP meetings as participants embrace a regional agenda.”

Houston “can be the model for leveraging diversity for improved outcomes and leading in energy innovations,” Lovett said

“Rarely are opportunities presented to you in a perfect way. In a nice little box with a yellow bow on top. 'Here, open it, it's perfect. You'll love it.' Opportunities – the good ones – are messy, confusing, and hard to recognize. They're risky. They challenge you.” – Susan Wojcicki, CEO of YouTube 

Click here to register for Rise to the Top on March 10 and learn more about the Partnership’s business resource groups for female leaders: Executive Women’s Partnership and Women’s Business Alliance

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How Founder of Woman and Minority-Owned Business Leverages the Partnership Membership

At the Greater Houston Partnership, more than 950 unique companies and organizations invest time and dollars in the organization’s mission of making the Houston region one of the best places to live, work and build a business.  To highlight some of the dynamic companies that are greatly involved with the Partnership, we asked several member companies to share how active engagement with the organization strengthens not only their business but the region’s business community as a whole. In this feature, we hear from Landi Spearman, CEO of Organized SHIFT.  Why did Organized SHIFT make a choice to become a member of the Partnership? As an entrepreneur, building powerful relationships and business connections is essential for success. This is especially true for women and minority-owned businesses, which often face additional challenges when it comes to accessing capital and resources. In today's rapidly changing business landscape, the ability to adapt and thrive in the face of uncertainty is critical. That's why I am proud to say that Organized SHIFT became a member of the Greater Houston Partnership in 2020 as part of our growth strategy. The Partnership is a dynamic organization that provides increased visibility, exposure, and the opportunity to connect with leaders and decision-makers from a variety of industries and backgrounds. As [one of] fastest-growing, immersive leadership coaching and development consultancy, Organized SHIFT is committed to helping organizations build strong, resilient teams that can thrive in the face of uncertainty. By leveraging data, industry trends, and best practices provided by the Partnership, we were able to learn more about the specific challenges that today's leaders and multigenerational teams are facing and develop tailored solutions that meet their unique needs. How has becoming a member of the Partnership affected your business and ability to make an impact within greater Houston?  Organized SHIFT is proud to be a part of the organization that is committed to making Houston "America's most inclusive and open city". Since joining the Partnership, we have had the opportunity to connect with other forward-thinking business leaders, executives and professionals who share our passion for creating and working with a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive business community. One of the things that we value most about being partnered with the Partnership is the data and opportunity to engage with our fellow members, working to achieve inclusive culture, retain diverse talent and increase spend with Minority Business Enterprises. Through our participation in the Partnership’s programs and events, we have been able to deepen our understanding of our customers' needs and gain valuable insights into the latest challenges. We have also been able to showcase our expertise in leadership development and coaching, which has helped us to build a stronger reputation and credibility in the local community. At the end of the day, partnering with the Partnership was a smart business decision for Organized SHIFT. By leveraging the data, tools, and collective resources provided by the Partnership, we have been able to strengthen our credibility and reputation in the local community and beyond. We are excited about the opportunities that lie ahead and look forward to continuing to work with the Partnership and our fellow members to create a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive business community. As a woman and minority-owned business, what advice can you give to other similar businesses that will help them navigate and engage in the Partnership work? As the CEO and Founder of a woman and minority-owned business, I understand the unique challenges that come with navigating the business world.  If you're a minority-owned, women-owned business looking to engage in Partnership work, my advice is to be authentic and confident in your value proposition. While there may be unique challenges and obstacles that we face, it's important to stay focused on your goals, to remain persistent in your efforts, and to feel confident in the value of the unique perspective and set of experiences that you bring to the table. When I'm coaching women and minority business owners, one of the key pieces of advice I share is not to be afraid to showcase your diversity of perspective, to share your expertise, and to highlight the value you bring to others. It is important to be proactive in seeking out opportunities to connect and collaborate with other members of the Partnership. Don't be afraid to seek out resources, take calculated risks, and ask for support. The Partnership offers a wealth of resources and support for women and minority-owned businesses, including the Women’s Business Alliance, diversity and inclusion initiatives, and more. These connections enable Organized SHIFT to deepen our understanding of the local business landscape, identify new opportunities for growth, and develop valuable partnerships that help us to expand our reach. When attending networking events, participating in programs and initiatives, and seeking out opportunities to collaborate with other businesses, you are more likely to build meaningful relationships and forge connections that can help to propel your business forward. Learn more about membership with the Partnership here.  
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