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Partnership Statement on Signing of USMCA

Published Jan 29, 2020 by Maggie Martin

Houston Port

HOUSTON (Jan. 29, 2020) - Statement by Bob Harvey, president & CEO of the Greater Houston Partnership, on the signing of the new trade agreement between the United States, Mexico and Canada:

“We are pleased by the news that President Trump has signed the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement. As the largest business organization in Houston, we strongly support USMCA and free and fair international trade more broadly. We look forward to the agreement’s ratification by Canada and its implementation.”

“Canada and Mexico have been two of Houston’s most important trading partners for more than 20 years, and USMCA is critical to strengthening that relationship. Mexico, in particular, stands out as our number one international trading partner."

“As a global logistics hub and top-export metro, Houston is uniquely positioned to benefit from the agreement. We applaud the administration and the Texas Congressional delegation for their support of USMCA, which will help ensure Houston’s continued economic growth.”


Greater Houston Partnership 
The Greater Houston Partnership works to make Houston one of the best places to live, work and build a business. As the economic development organization for the region, the Partnership champions growth across 11 counties by bringing together business and civic-minded leaders who are dedicated to the area’s long-term success. Representing more than 1,000 member organizations and approximately one-fifth of the region’s workforce, the Partnership is the place companies come together to make an impact. Learn more at 

CONTACT:    A.J. Mistretta                    Maggie Martin 
                     (o) 713-844-3664              (o) 713-844-3640
                     (c) 504-450-3516     

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