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The Houston Report


Health Care

Houston Organizations Gaining Recognition for Innovation in Life Sciences

Houston is known for its world-class institutions and professional talent in the health care and life sciences industries, so it comes as no surprise that healthcare systems, academic institutions…
Economic Development

Employers Tap First-Gen Students as 'Rising Stars' Through University of St. Thomas Internship Program

In his scrubs, sneakers and surgical mask, Peter Nguyen looks a lot like other staff of the Houston Methodist Research Institute for Technology, Innovation & Education (MITIE℠), in the Texas…
Aerospace & Aviation

Houston House Spotlights Tech and Innovation at SXSW

The Greater Houston Partnership hosted Houston House at SXSW, a two-day activation program led by innovation leaders and startup founders, from March 13-14. With over 630 attendees over the two days…
Aerospace & Aviation

SXSW Roll Call: Houston Here!

Houston innovation will make an appearance at this year’s South by Southwest (SXSW) Conference in Austin. For the second year in a row, the Greater Houston Partnership’s Houston House is preparing to…
Health Care

Small Biz Insider: Health Tech Startup Strives to Ease Access to Some of the Hardest Conversations

Conversations and decisions regarding advance care, especially end-of-life care, can be challenging. A Houston health technology firm wants to make that a little easier. Koda Health's advanced care-…
Life Sciences

Work Begins on Massive TMC3 Project

Work has begun on TMC3, the much-anticipated life sciences research and commercialization campus that backers believe will become a robust global nexus for that work in the years to come.  The Texas…
Executive Partners