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The Houston Report


Digital Technology

New Jobs Website Focuses on Tech Talent in Houston

A new website aims to help cultivate and grow the tech talent pool in Houston as part of a broader effort to expand the area’s innovation ecosystem. launched this week featuring 750…

New Innovation-Focused Programs Emerge at Univ. of Houston

As Houston continues growing as an innovation hub, higher education institutions, including the University of Houston, are implementing new ways to connect and foster students in that sector. …

HYPE Members Get Lesson in Mentorship from Business Leaders

HYPE members and powerhouse corporate leaders jump-started their day with breakfast and thoughtful conversation at this year’s first HYPE Power Hour. Thursday’s sold-out event at Partnership Tower…

#HRTalk: Can't find talent? Look again.

Times get tough for recruiters when the labor market tightens. These professionals have to get even more creative in their recruitment and retention strategies, and according to research, hiring in…
Workforce Development

Partnership Members Step Up to Help Students, Parents Recognize Great Careers in Region

Ask students what they want to be when they grow up and it’s unlikely you’ll hear careers critical to key Houston industries and economy like clinic coordinator (health care), automotive technician…
Digital Technology

Report: Houston a Leading City for Women in Tech

As Houston makes strides towards advancing its tech workforce, women employed in the sector may reap the benefits. Houston is one of the top cities in the nation for women in tech, according to a…
Executive Partners