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The Houston Report



Healthy Families, Healthy Texas Bills Pass House and Partnership Pushes Workforce Improvements

Week In Review There are just six weeks left in the Texas legislative session and some important procedural deadlines are rapidly approaching. The House passed important health care legislation and…
Workforce Development

Texas Mutual Helps UpSkill Houston, Partners Provide Vital Support to Workers, Job Seekers

The need to help individuals be prepared for good jobs in a changing and dynamic regional economy is more urgent than ever. Today's workers must also be resilient and adaptable to the shocks that…

Houston Employers Partner with Education to Invest in Future Talent

This winter, Brazosport ISD announced a new major giving campaign to support career and technical education (CTE) programs and named Dow Chemical as its first major campaign backer. The company has…

Need for Hiring Houston Youth Critical in Wake of Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic drove unemployment to record highs across the greater Houston region and the country, disproportionately among Hispanic, Black, Asian, women and younger populations, and…
Economic Development

Employer Insights Wanted: Survey to Identify Trends in Employer-Provided Training

How have the COVID-19 public health crisis and economic downturn affected current training programs employers offer? And how might they influence programs in the future?  This month, New America’s…
Economic Development

Houston Ranks Among Top 10 Startup Metros

The fastest growing and most diverse city in the nation is also one of the top places for startup activity.  A recent ranking from Roofstock, an online real estate investment platform, ranks Houston…
Executive Partners