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The Houston Report


Public Policy

Lawmakers Eye Texas High Schools for Workforce Solutions

Texas is a global powerhouse, and Houston is the welcoming committee for many companies looking to settle in the Lone Star State. The strength of our workforce is one key issue that continues to…
Economic Development

Abbott Names Water Infrastructure, Workforce Development Among Priorities in State of the State Address

Governor Greg Abbott named two of the Greater Houston Partnership’s Executive Priorities as emergency items for the Texas Legislature during his State of the State address Sunday. The governor said…
Workforce Development

Houston Back on Track Proves an Effective Model to Serve Jobseekers

While the original focus of the Houston Back on Track initiative was to help put people back to work following pandemic-era job displacement, it has evolved into a collective effort to serve and…
Workforce Development

How UpSkill Houston and the Burning Glass Institute Are Unlocking Talent for the Future

The Burning Glass Institute (BGI), with financial support from, selected the Greater Houston Partnership’s UpSkill Houston initiative as its partner to develop the Jobs That Mobilize (JTM…
Workforce Development

Building Houston's Workforce: How UpSkill Houston is Shaping Talent for 2025 and Beyond

UpSkill Houston's mission is to cultivate one of the finest skilled workforces globally and ensure opportunities for all residents in the Houston region. Over the past decade, UpSkill Houston has…
Workforce Development

Talent and Skills First in Greater Houston

A letter from Peter Beard, Sr. Vice President, Regional Workforce Development. Houston’s talent and human capital, whether it's cultivated and developed here at home or attracted from other regions,…
Executive Partners